
Welcome to TheraMarket

We connect therapists around the world, empowering people, & creating resources for therapists everywhere.

TheraMarket(formerly Therapists to Therapists) is a marketplace for therapists to find worksheets, group curricula, and other resources they can use for your clients. In the mental health field, we are always looking for and creating updated resources to best help our clients. Here at TheraMarket, you can upload and sell your own products and download resources other clinicians have developed. 

Powerful Tools

We have powerful tools to manage, upload, and rank your products.

Instant Downloads

No need to wait on shipping!


Adding products on a daily basis.

24/7 Support

Dedicated support 24 hours a day.

Vendor FAQ

How do I set up my shop?

Do I have to pay a subscription fee?

Nope! Unlike other sites you may have used in the past, Therapists to Therapists is not based on a subscription model.

Are there any fees associated with opening a shop?

Nope! We operate on a commission-based model, which means that you make 70% of every sale from your shop. There is no cost to upload products and no cost to become a vendor.

Return Policy

Resources on TheraMarket are delivered electronically. Unlike a physical product, you can’t return a file once you’ve downloaded it. For this reason, all sales are considered final and nonrefundable

Things don’t always go as planned, so we offer refunds in limited circumstances. If your purchase falls into one of the exceptions listed below, you may be eligible for a refund.

Refund requests must be submitted within six months of your purchase and are granted on a case-by-case basis.

  • Compromised Resource File – A resource file is damaged or is missing content.
  • Example: A thumbnail or preview is uploaded instead of the resource itself.
  • Misrepresentation – A resource preview and/or description misrepresents what is actually contained in the resource.
  • Example: A product description states that the resource is for anxiety diagnoses, but it is actually for addictions diagnoses.
  • Technical Limitations – You are unable to access a resource because the technical requirements aren’t included in the resource description.
  • Example: A resource is a Notebook file but this is not listed anywhere on the product page.
  • Duplicate Purchase – You purchase the same resource twice.
  • Example: You purchase a resource contained in a specific bundle and then later purchase that bundle within six months of the original purchase.

If your purchase meets one of these guidelines, you can submit a refund request to As part of your request, be sure to include the resource name, name of the vendor, your concerns about the resource, and any specific examples or details you might have.

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