
Group Curriculum – Graduating Senior Life Skills


Sold By: jvincent213

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A psychoeducation group for graduating seniors who are within weeks of making the transition out of high school and plan to attend college.

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A psychoeducation group for graduating seniors who are within weeks of making the transition out of high school and plan to attend college. The group will use information from the book Relationship Skills 101 for Teens: Your Guide to Dealing with Daily Drama, Stress, and Difficult Emotions Using DBT by Sheri Van Dijk. According to Tocu (2018), high school seniors face enormous responsibility as they transition from high school into the world of adulthood. Included in this transition is the adaptation of a new social role, the pressure to choose a career path, and the acquisition of independence from adult authority figures, such as parents and teachers. Further, students may need assistance in cultivating emotional intelligence, which is proven to be a significant indicator of future success (Garg & Singh, 2016). These emotional intelligence skills include developing empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-worth, and interpersonal skills.

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Resource Types

Group Resources/Programming



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Client Type

Children / Adolescents, Groups

Treatment Type

CBT, Coaching

Vendor Information

  • Store Name: jvincent213
  • Vendor: jvincent213
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